
  • 1994: Rhema Bible Training College - Diploma in Missions

  • 2021: Regent University - B.A. in Christian Ministry (Summa Cum Laude)

  • 2024: Regent University - M.Div., Marketplace Ministry Concentration

Career History:
  • 1994-2007: Youth/Worship Pastor - Word of Life Church, Dubuque, IA; Bible School Instructor - Life Bible Academy

    • Organized and ministered at weekly/bi-weekly youth services.

    • Led youth and adult worship teams.

    • Planned yearly calendar of events/activities.

    • Discipled young people who would later become key leaders in the church.

    • Coordinated building of new youth room.

    • Spearheaded city-wide youth initiative among seven denominations.

    • Served as board member, and later, as President of statewide youth network - organizing and leading events for up to 400+ students and leaders.

    • Co-organized local outreach that drew 1,000 teens.

    • Produced and led on 2 live worship albums.

    • Taught several courses at the newly-founded LBA.

  • 2007-2018: Missionary in Germany - Pure Flow Ministries

    • Built and maintained a support base of churches and individuals.

    • Led youth and worship ministries for our German church (now Kirche 365) as it expanded from 1 to 4 campuses.

    • Discipled young people who would later become key leaders in the church.

    • Served on regional youth network board, organizing camps and retreats.

    • Pastored Freie Christengemeinde Altötting, later merging it in as a campus of Kirche 365 (then CFK).

    • Peer-mentored our other campus pastors.

    • Produced 2 live worship albums - one English, one German.

    • Oversaw technical ministries, including team building and system improvements/installations.

    • Created graphics and websites for several ministries headquartered in our church offices.

    • Helped build the EU headquarters for Dynamic Church Planting International.

    • Taught various courses at Rhema Bible Training College, Germany/EU - in English and German.

  • 2018-Present: Traveling Minister, Church Planting Trainer, and Strategic Advisor - Pure Flow Ministries

    • Communicating on-time insights to the Church - through web, print, and in-person means.

    • Coached campus pastors at WOLC (Dubuque) through the opening of 2nd campus.

    • Led 2020 relaunch of Life Bible Academy with inverted, evergreen learning model. (Now serving as Director.)

    • Conducted a variety of church planting trainings that have birthed new networks of churches.

    • Advising and Assisting Dynamic Church Planting International's North American leadership with Online Training Upgrades.

  • Ordination: Word of Life Church, Dubuque, IA.

  • Ordination: Rhema Ministerial Association Int'l.

  • Master Trainer: Dynamic Church Planting Int'l.

  • Played soccer in high school, basketball in college - now reffing youth soccer.

  • Crafted an award-winning chili recipe.

  • Plays guitar, sings, and has written about 100 songs.

  • Loves to fish, especially with spinners in freshwater streams.

  • Enjoys to fiddle around with new tech.

  • Happily married to Kirsten since 1998.

  • Three children: Gabrielle, Smith, and Marissa, who are all in their 20's and serving the Lord.

  • Tobi: our 100lb. lapdog - a Golden/Labrador Retriever mix.

  • Experienced communicator and communication trainer/coach.

  • Bible school instruction, instructor training, and school development/leadership.

  • Leadership and Team-building

  • Inter- and intra-denominational networking

  • Strategic ideation

  • Event planning and execution

  • Discipleship (especially young people)

  • Tech-Savvy: long experience with Windows/Mac, MS Office, website/email development & management, social media, various DAW's, Photoshop, Church presentation software, Planning Center, and some CRM/Team Management software - Asana, Basecamp, etc.

  • Fluent in English and German.

References Available Upon Request