1994: Rhema Bible Training College - Diploma in Missions
2021: Regent University - B.A. in Christian Ministry (Summa Cum Laude)
2024: Regent University - M.Div., Marketplace Ministry Concentration
Career History:
1994-2007: Youth/Worship Pastor - Word of Life Church, Dubuque, IA; Bible School Instructor - Life Bible Academy
Organized and ministered at weekly/bi-weekly youth services.
Led youth and adult worship teams.
Planned yearly calendar of events/activities.
Discipled young people who would later become key leaders in the church.
Coordinated building of new youth room.
Spearheaded city-wide youth initiative among seven denominations.
Served as board member, and later, as President of statewide youth network - organizing and leading events for up to 400+ students and leaders.
Co-organized local outreach that drew 1,000 teens.
Produced and led on 2 live worship albums.
Taught several courses at the newly-founded LBA.
2007-2018: Missionary in Germany - Pure Flow Ministries
Built and maintained a support base of churches and individuals.
Led youth and worship ministries for our German church (now Kirche 365) as it expanded from 1 to 4 campuses.
Discipled young people who would later become key leaders in the church.
Served on regional youth network board, organizing camps and retreats.
Pastored Freie Christengemeinde Altötting, later merging it in as a campus of Kirche 365 (then CFK).
Peer-mentored our other campus pastors.
Produced 2 live worship albums - one English, one German.
Oversaw technical ministries, including team building and system improvements/installations.
Created graphics and websites for several ministries headquartered in our church offices.
Helped build the EU headquarters for Dynamic Church Planting International.
Taught various courses at Rhema Bible Training College, Germany/EU - in English and German.
2018-Present: Traveling Minister, Church Planting Trainer, and Strategic Advisor - Pure Flow Ministries
Communicating on-time insights to the Church - through web, print, and in-person means.
Coached campus pastors at WOLC (Dubuque) through the opening of 2nd campus.
Led 2020 relaunch of Life Bible Academy with inverted, evergreen learning model. (Now serving as Director.)
Conducted a variety of church planting trainings that have birthed new networks of churches.
Advising and Assisting Dynamic Church Planting International's North American leadership with Online Training Upgrades.
Ordination: Word of Life Church, Dubuque, IA.
Ordination: Rhema Ministerial Association Int'l.
Master Trainer: Dynamic Church Planting Int'l.
Played soccer in high school, basketball in college - now reffing youth soccer.
Crafted an award-winning chili recipe.
Plays guitar, sings, and has written about 100 songs.
Loves to fish, especially with spinners in freshwater streams.
Enjoys to fiddle around with new tech.
Happily married to Kirsten since 1998.
Three children: Gabrielle, Smith, and Marissa, who are all in their 20's and serving the Lord.
Tobi: our 100lb. lapdog - a Golden/Labrador Retriever mix.
Experienced communicator and communication trainer/coach.
Bible school instruction, instructor training, and school development/leadership.
Leadership and Team-building
Inter- and intra-denominational networking
Strategic ideation
Event planning and execution
Discipleship (especially young people)
Tech-Savvy: long experience with Windows/Mac, MS Office, website/email development & management, social media, various DAW's, Photoshop, Church presentation software, Planning Center, and some CRM/Team Management software - Asana, Basecamp, etc.
Fluent in English and German.